Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth
As it is in heaven.


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A Short Explanation of COR & the ICBI History - Audio

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This recording was made during one of Wellington Boone’s three day, intensive discipleship prayer events at Boone’s church in Atlanta, GA. This is a history of how Dr. Grimstead started the ICBI and the Coalition on Revival and his adventures along the way. Periodically Bishop Boone interrupts Dr. Grimstead and interprets for the audience, the significance of these things for the Body of Christ in America.


Dr. Grimstead met Rev. Boone in 1985 at a Maranatha World Conference and they immediately “clicked as friends”. Over the next few years Jay encouraged Rev. Boone to read Francis Schaeffer and was thus influential in Wellington’s “worldview” thinking. Later Dr. Grimstead invited him to onto the COR and International Church Council Project Steering Committee. Somewhere around the late 1980’s Bishop Boone starting introducing Dr. Grimstead to his congregation as his “spiritual father” and has done so to the day. When Bishop Boone was a key speaker at a recent Promise Keepers event at the Sports Arena, he invited Dr. Grimstead onto the stage and introduced him as his spiritual father and mentor as he was speaking about mentoring that evening. Dr. Grimstead believes Bishop Boone is perhaps the most important leader and voice for the black Christian community today.



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Twenty-Four Year Plan
Invitation Brochure


Christian Foundation

Biblical Inerrancy    (Signatories)
42 Worldview Essentials
The Kingdom of God
Manifesto for the Church


Christian Worldview Documents

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