Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth
As it is in heaven.


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Steering Committee & Advisory Board

Steering Committee
Dr. David J. Ayers
Professor, Grove City College

Dr. Ted Baehr
Chairman, Christian Film & TV Comm

Rev. Mark Beliles
President, Providence Foundation

Bishop Wellington
Pres., Fellowship of Intl. Churches

Dr. James Borland
Secretary-Treasurer, Evangel. Theo. Society

Dr. Derek Carlsen
Pastor, Church of Christian Liberty

Rev. Eugene Clingman
Executive Admin., International Church Council Project

Rev. Geoffrey
President, Reformation Christian Ministries

Lt. Col. John
Professor, Jones School of Law

Dr. Duane Gish
Vice Pres., Institute for Creation Research

Dr. Jay Grimstead
Director, Coalition on Revival

Rev. Peter Hammond
Director, Frontline Fellowship, South Africa

Dr. David Hesselgrave
Evangel.Missiological Society, Past Exec.Dir.

Mr. Bob Hieronymus
Major  USAF (Retired)

Rev. Craig Hill
President, Family Foundations International

Rabbi Daniel C. Juster
Director, Tikkun Ministries

Dr. Henry
Professor, Covenant College

Bishop William Mikler
Senior Minister, St. Johns Abbey

Mr. Garry J. Moes
President, WorldCom Consulting

Dr. David Powlison
Professor, Westminster Theological Seminary

Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher
Professor, Martin Bucer Seminary , Germany

Mr. Daniel Smithwick
President, Nehemiah Institute

Dr. Larry
Professor, Beeson Divinity School

Dr. Ed Welch
Professor, Westminister Seminary-East


Advisory Committee

Dr. Gary Amos
Author, Lawyer

Dr. Paul Chappell
Exec. Vice Pres., The King's Sem.

Mr. Art Cunningham
Retired Manager, Hughes Aircraft

Dr. Mark Dalbey
Dean of Students, Covenant Theo.Seminary

Mr. Doug Daugherty
President, Chattanooga Resource Foundation

Dr. Kenneth Gentry
Professor, Bahnsen Theological Seminary

Mr. Richard Godshall
President, Godshall Foundation

Dr. George Grant
President, Kings Meadow Study Center

Dr. Joseph Kickasola
Professor, Regent University

Dr. Roger Nicole
Professor, Reformed Seminary, Orlando

Dr. Bernie Ogilvy
President, Masters Institute

Dr. Kenneth Talbot
President, Whitefield Theol. Seminary

Dr. Josef Tson
President, Romanian Missionary Society , Romania

Dr. Rodman Williams
Professor, Regent University

Dr. Charles Wolfe
Restore the Republic




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Twenty-Four Year Plan
Invitation Brochure


Christian Foundation

Biblical Inerrancy    (Signatories)
42 Worldview Essentials
The Kingdom of God
Manifesto for the Church


Christian Worldview Documents

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Las Traducciones Españolas


Other Resources

 Neo-Orthodox Falsehoods
 Leader's Questions


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The International Church Council Project

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