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Thy will be done,
On earth
As it is in heaven.


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National COR Steering Committee


The following members of the national COR Steering Committee helped develop and ratify the COR Foundation Documents, the 17 Worldview Documents, and all signed A Manifesto for the Christian Church in 1986. Some of these people are no longer associated with COR, but many continue to actively support COR.

A complete list of Christian leaders who signed the COR manifesto in 1986 is available here and at the back of the Manifesto.

Steering Committee Members who Signed the Manifesto in 1986

Rev. Ray Allen, President
ACT Ministries, Inc.

Rev. Francis Anfuso, President
Christian Equippers Int.

Dr. Gleason Archer. Ph.D., Professor
Old Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Dr. Virginia Armstrong, Ph.D., Executive Director
Blackstone Institute of Public Law and Policy

Mr. Theodore Baehr, J.D., President
Good News Communications

Dr. David W. Balsiger., L.H.D., Publisher-Editor
Biblical News Service

Dr. William Barker, Th.D., Editor
Presbyterian Journal

Mr. John Beckett, President
Intercessors for America

Mr. E. Calvin Beisner,
Author, Editor

Rev. Dick Benjamin, Pastor
Abbotts Loop Christian Center

Rev. Luther Blackwell, Pastor
New Life Fellowship

Dr. Charles Blair, D.D., Pastor
Calvary Temple

Dr. Richard Bliss, Ed.D., Director of Curriculum
Institute for Creation Research

Mr. Ron Boehme, Director
Youth with a Mission; Revive America

Rev. W. Wellington Boone, Pastor & Founder
Manna Christian Fellowship Churches

Mr. Daryl Borquist, Associate
Legal Services Corporation

Dr. Harold O.J. Brown, Ph.D., Professor
Bibl. & Sys. Theo., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Dr. Emanuele Cannistraci, Pastor
Evangel Christian Fellowship

Dr. Glenn Cole, D.D., Pastor
Capital Christian Center

Dr. Lawrence Crabb, Ph.D., Director
Inst. Bibl. Counsel, Grace Theological Seminary

Mr. Art Cunningham, Manager
Hughes Aircraft

Mr. Gary DeMar, President
American Vision

Mr. Ted DeMoss, President
Christian Business Men's Committee

Mrs. Gladys Dickelman, Executive Director
National Day of Prayer

Rev. Peter Doane, Pastor
South Bay Covenant Church

Mr. Colonel Doner, President
Christian Action Network

Mr. Robert Dugan, Director
NAE-Public Affairs

Mr. Laury Eck, Attorney
Christian Mediation

Mr. Michael Farris, President
Home School Legal Defense Association

Mr. Roger Flemming, Asst. U.S. Director
The Navigators

Mr. Marshall Foster, President
Mayflower Institute

Mr. Bill Garaway, President
Business with a Purpose

Dr. Arthur Gay, D.Min., Pastor
South Park Church

Mr. Peter Gemma, Executive Director
National ProLife Political Action Co.

Dr. Duane Gish, Ph,D.Vice President
Institute for Creation Research

Dr. Jay Grimstead, D.Min., Found. Dir.
Coalition on Revival

Rev. Ronald Haus, President
1st Century Broadcasting

Dr. Dick Hillis, D.D. Pres. Emeritus
Overseas Crusades

Dr. David Howard, L.H.D., Gen. Director
World Evangelical Fellowship

Rev. Dick Iverson, President
Portland Bible College

Dr. Ron Jenson, D.Min., President
International Leadership

Mrs. Dee Jepsen, Chairman
Board of Regents, C.B.N. University

Col. Glen Jones, National Director
Military Ministry, Campus Crusade

Mr. Roy Jones, Coalitions Director
Republican Senatorial Committee

Rev. Raymond P. Joseph, Pastor
Southfield Presbyterian Church

Dr. D. James Kennedy, Ph.D., Pastor
Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church

Dr. Paul Kienel, Ed.D., Pastor
Association of Christian Schools Intl.

Dr. Henry Krabbendam, Ph.D., Professor
Biblical Studies, Covenant College

Dr. Tim Lahaye, D.Min., President
American Coalition for Traditional Values

Dr. Richard Lappert, Ph,D., Consultant
Connecticut State Department of Education

Dr. Harold Lindsell, Ph.D., Editor Emeritus
Christianity today

Dr. Allan MacRae, Ph.D., Pres. Emeritus
Biblical Theological Seminary

Rev. Ronald Marr, Editor & Publisher
Christian Enquirer

Mrs. Connaught Marshner, Director
Child & Family Protection Institute

Rev. Bob Martin, Exec. Brd. Member
Maranatha Christian Churches

Mr. Robert Martin, General Manager
Fieldstead & Company

Mr. Ted McAteer, President
Religious Roundtable

Dr. Josh McDowell, D.D., President
Josh McDowell Ministries

Mr. R.E. McMaster, Jr., Editor
The Reaper

Bishop John L. Meares, Pastor
Evangel Temple

Mr. Robert Metcalf, Founder
Christian Studies Center

Rev. Lou Montecalvo, Pastor
Redeemer Temple Southeast Church

Rev. James Morriss, Pastor
Rocky Mountain Fellowship

Rev. Bob Mumford, President

Dr. Gary North, Ph.D., President
Institute for Christian Economics

Dr. Raymond Ortlund, D.D., President
Renewal Ministries

Dr. J.I. Packer, Ph.D., Professor
Systematic Theology, Regent College

Dr. Ed Payne, M.D., Professor
Medical College of Georgia

Rev. Dennis Peacocke, President
Strategic Christian Services

Dr. John Perkins, D.D., President
Voice of Calvary Ministries

Dr. William Reed, M.D., President
Christian Medical Foundation

Mr. Jerry Regier, President
Family Research Council

Dr. George Rekers, Ph.D., Professor
University of S.C. School of Medicine

Dr. R.J. Rushdoony, Ph.D., President
Council of Chalcedon

Dr. Michael Rusten, Ph.D.
Business Consultant

Dr. Robert Saucy, Th.D., Chairman
Dept. of Systematic Theo., Talbot Sem.

Mrs. Edith Schaeffer
Author, Lecturer

Mr. George Scipione, Director
Christian Counselling and Education

Mr., Mark Siljander
Former Member of Congress

Dr. Robert Simonds, Th.D., President
National Assoc. of Christian Educ.

Mr. John Sparks, J.D., Professor
Law and Economics, Grove City Coll.

Mrs. Carolyn Sundseth, Former Assoc. Director
White House Office of Public Liaison

Mr. Larry Tomczak, Editor
The People of Destiny Magazine

Dr.Paul Toms, D.D., Pastor
Park Street Church

Dr. Joseph Ton, D.D., President
Romanian Missionary Society

Brother Andrew van der Bijl, Founder
Open Doors

Dr. Jack Van Impe, Ph.D., President
Jack Van Impe Ministries

Mr. Peter Waldron, President
Contact America

Dr. Larry Walker, Ph.D., Professor
Old Testament, Mid-America Baptist Seminary

Mr. Russ Walton, President
Plymouth Rock Foundation

Mr. Bob Weiner, President
Maranatha Campus Ministries

Rev. Al Whittinghill, Evangelist
Ambassadors for Christ

Rev. Donald Wildmon, President
American Family Association

Rev. Jerry Wiles, Exec. Vice President
Bible Pathway Ministries

Dr. Ralph Winter, Ph.D., General Director
U.S. Center for World Missions

Mr. Don Zoller, Chairman
Outreach Ministries, McLean Bible Church


View or print these documents with the  free Acrobat Reader.

Twenty-Four Year Plan
Invitation Brochure


Christian Foundation

Biblical Inerrancy    (Signatories)
42 Worldview Essentials
The Kingdom of God
Manifesto for the Church


Christian Worldview Documents

Worldview Law
Worldview Government
Worldview Social/Political
Worldview Education
Worldview Discipleship
Worldview Medicine
Worldview Psychol/Counseling
Worldview Science/Technology
Worldview Art/Media
Worldview Economics
Worldview Business/ Occupat.
Worldview Evangelism
Worldview Christian Unity
Worldview Family
Worldview Poor/Hurting
Worldview Pastoral Renewal
Worldview Colleges/Universities



Spanish Translations
Las Traducciones Españolas


Other Resources

 Neo-Orthodox Falsehoods
 Leader's Questions


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